Tag: clojure

Clojure Speedup - Class Prefetching

This is my second article in a series on Clojure start-up timings. The focus for this article is Class Prefetching.

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Clojure Start-up Timings

Clojure start-up is sometimes painful. There's lots of methods to amortise the cost such as execution of commands in REPLs, and stand-by JVM's using nail servers and the like. This article aims to illustrate where that time is being spent.

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One REPL to Rule Them All

A typical clojure invocation will gobble up close to 500MB. If you're running a ClojureScript project that'll be 1G for figwheel and a Clojure nREPL. I think I've found an improved workflow that reduces that memory pressure.

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Reagent Container Components

In this article I cover off how I've adapted the React/Redux Presentational and Container Component pattern to ClojureScript using Reagent and Re-Frame.

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Clojure/Bitbucket Pipelines

Bitbucket Pipelines is out and in Beta. I recently received an account but with so many distractions I didn't have an opportunity to dig into the offering until recently. Bitbucket Pipelines only supports a handful of languages directly but I'll show you how to quickly get Leiningen building your project using the Clojure Docker image.

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Clojure Testing

Clojure start-up time can be expensive especially when using ClojureScript. This article is a quick post to aggregate what I use to improve the testing feedback cycle in Clojure.

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